Monday, August 2, 2010

memo to fbloa providers current and future

Providers are the lifeblood of mandated continuing education. They come in many forms, eg manufacturers, service companies, institutions and companies specializing in generalized ce content. We have grouped them into several categories for ease of understanding the complexity of this huge industry. They are:

MIX-(Manufacturer's Information Exchange)--100''s of companies--AEC Daily--Ron Blank
IMIX-(Individual Manufacturer's Information Exchange)-- solo setup--Autocad--Rainbird etc
IP-(Institutional Provider) Admin & Design Data--Green Tech--USGBC--Univ of Ga. FlaDCA, etc
FPDL-(For Profit Distance Learners)--generalized ce for a fee--Red Vector--Distance Learn Pro

The link below addresses some of the issues facing current and future providers and also talks about the explosive growth of the Interactive Internet and how it is dramatically impacting both con ed and product promotion strategies.

New horizons in ce delivery and it's win-win relationship with the revolution in product promotion

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