Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lite Green--A well deserved, humorous look at the growth industry

"Humor is nature's effort to rationalize the full spectrum of the frequently hilarious human condition. The further the pendulum swings out over absurdity and woe, the further it is bound to swing back over mirth."

Mark Twain quoted in the New York Sunday Times, Nov. 1905

Clemen's pendulum analogy was so right in noting that the more absurd or frustrating anything is in life then the more hilarious it will be at spoof time. I've collected hundreds of these little vagaries over the years and have forgotten where most originated at this point. If you spot a great little item then email it to me for inclusion in Lite Green. Some are quite dry, others crude and one or two may cross an imaginary line drawn in a viewers mind. Sorry if that happens.

Lite Green Batch File at 3 Aug 2010

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